Prosjektbilde for Let's Stick Together for the Music - Madder Mortem Live@Rock In

Let's Stick Together for the Music - Madder Mortem Live@Rock In

All donations will solely support the production and artists

Let's Stick Together for the Music & The Prog Space presents: MADDER MORTEM LIVE FROM ROCK IN

Madder Mortem are, like all of us, waiting for the global situation to allow touring again - but in the meantime we are very proud to present their very first streaming concert ever!

Watch the live stream here:


Madder Mortem sounds like ... Madder Mortem. There’s no mistaking the sound, and that’s quite an achievement, considering the Madder style of music spans from soft and dreamy cloudscapes to bottomless pits of sludgy despair – and everything in between. You’ll find dissonant riffs alongside a chorus you can hum. This is music for people who listen, for people who want their music to be more than a background noise.

Starting life in 1993 as Mystery Tribe, Madder Mortem was one of the early bands from the contemporary Norwegian Metal scene to break away from set genre boundaries. Having started off with a more straight doom metal sound, the band has continued to develop with each album, following a flawless transition to become an experimental and diverse progressive metal band with a unique sense of groove and contrasting arrangements. This diversity is clearly reflected in the band’s live performances.

After celebrating the 20th anniversary of their debut album “Mercury” in 2019, Madder Mortem are currently writing for their 8th studio album. In addition, FreqsTV / Stewis Media are currently editing the upcoming Madder Mortem documentary, Howl of the Underdogs.

Sites for upcoming documentary “Howl Of The Underdogs”: -


The Progspace

We’re a group of Prog-lovers who started a journey to share with you our thoughts about albums, concerts, tours and festivals, the photo galleries of the Prog concerts we visit, as well interviews with upcoming or established musicians or prog-related people. We created our Progspace to encourage a community where fans can find about their favorite bands and discover new ones, thus encouraging bands and musicians to continue creating the awesome music we all love. Follow our Facebook page for frequent updates and news around the Progniverse.


Rock In

Rock In has been one of Oslo's "black holes" since August 2000. For local and visiting metalheads and hardrockers, Rock In is a place of refuge - and we'll fight till our last breath to save it.

You can support this production!
Norway: or Vipps: 102963

Let's Stick Together for the Music - Madder Mortem Live@Rock In

3 886 kroner innsamlet

12 givere
Avsluttet 06.06.2020
25% av 15 000 kr
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