Help Rural towns in Ghana to get potable drinking water and toilets
In Ghana, about 80% of people still do not have access to proper sanitation, including latrines, which had dramatic consequences on human health, social and economic development and the environment. Potable water coverage in some parts of Ghana stands at 47 percent in the urban areas and 33.5 percent in the rural areas so does many of the houses in parts of Ghana not have toilet facilities, putting pressure on the few existing public toilets available.
As part of my social development activities, I conducted a research in "Assessing the implications of toilet and water facilities on the health of households in Ghana" within a period of four months.
In the project, I used a simple random sampling technique to select 500 households and individuals using questionnaires. In addition, a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) receiver was used to pick geographic coordinates of various water and toilet facilities.
The study revealed that, Out of 100%, 84% given several sociocultural conditions, the current system of public toilet operating in the towns cannot be resource intensive to meet households’ targets because they do not satisfy sanitation needs.
I am very much keen to helping these villages to get access to potable drinking water and sanitany facilities to help better the health of the folks. Any help from individuals and organisations for this course will be greatly appreciated.