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Prosjektbilde for Fix party

Fix party

We have to arrange a fixed party for mobiles. At the parties, participants can bring their old mobile phone. We hire repairmen and buy equipment. The mobiles are repaired and the participants quickly learn how mobiles can be repaired themselves

Fix parties

We have to arrange a fixed party for mobiles. At the parties, participants can bring their old mobile phone. We hire repairmen and buy equipment. The mobiles are repaired and the participants quickly learn how mobiles can be repaired themselves.

Do you have a phone lying around with a broken screen?

Do you want to protect the environment to have your mobile repaired.

We arrange fix parties in Nordland.




Participants show up in rented premises.

Mobile phone repairers are hired and the participant gets their mobile phone repaired in turn.

We are in a social community and learn simple maintenance tips about mobiles.

There is light food serving and something good to drink.

Information about climate / environment and the evening ends with something good in the glass and an environmental film.


Thanks for all the contributions.

Do you want to get involved in the environmental issue?

Get in touch if you live in Salten with us at

Or search for your local team at

If you live in Salten, we can help you get local teams in your town / village. Then we in Salten can become a focus area. Get in touch at

Thanks for all the contributions.

Do you want to get involved in the environmental issue?

Get in touch if you live in Salten with us at

Or search for your local team at

If you live in Salten, we can help you get local teams in your town / village. Then we in Salten can become a focus area. Get in touch at


Feel free to see photos in our social media:

Facebook group

Facebook page



Youtube with movies (Can you not support us with money right now? Then you can give a little by watching our movies on youtube, like the videos and subscribe to our youtube channel. Then we get in some money for projects from youtube for new subscribers and many put on our videos) Feel free to tell us about other films we can contribute for information on the environment and climate issue locally.

Fix party

0 kroner innsamlet

0 givere
Avsluttet 31.12.2021
0% av 20 000 kr
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