Prosjektbilde for Protecting El & Eli.


  1. Innlegg fra Catherine Bright 10/01-21

    19. januar 2021 11:13

    Norske venner,

    Eline Kinn er opprinnelig fra Lørenskog og bor nå i Wilmington, NC. Sist uke brøt hennes tidligere ektemann seg inn i huset hennes og stakk henne mer enn femten ganger med kniv foran deres tre år gamle sønn. Han kastet henne deretter av balkongen i andre etasje. Ved et mirakel overlevde Eline. Hun ble gitt full omsorgsrett for sønnen deres på fredag, og ønsker å dra hjem til Norge.

    Hennes venner og familie samler inn penger for å få henne hjem. Hvis noen av dere har mulig til å bidra ville det blitt svært verdsatt. Sammen med penger ville bonuspoeng hos SAS eller standby-billetter vært til stor hjelp.

    Vi har ikke informasjon vedrørende overføring av bonuspoeng med SAS enda, men vær så snill å ta kontakt med meg hvis du er interessert i det så skal jeg sørge for å få gitt dere denne informasjonen.

  2. Oppdatering fra Leslie 17/01-21

    19. januar 2021 11:08

    I just spoke with Ellie yesterday evening and she is so encouraged and relieved to not have the burden of financial stress. As she starts to navigate these next several months of healing, court dates and settling in, she will be met with lots of challenges but having the means to get anything she needs for herself and Eli, keep her lawyers on retainer and get herself set up to start again has been made possible with your generosity and prayers! :heart:️

  3. Oppdatering 16/01-21

    19. januar 2021 11:06

    Eline & Eli have been reunited and it was an emotional and joyful moment. Those two are two peas in a pod and seeing them together again is what gives hope for a better future for them. But the struggle does not end here. Ellie is going to have to have surgery on her right hand. It sustained several defensive wounds that have left her with some nerve damage. We are praying that with surgery and rehab she will regain use of her hand and be able to drive and preform other basic daily activities without difficulty. Her other wounds are healing well and while she is not without pain she is healing beautifully. She was able to get up and walk around, and move more than she has in a week and for that we are extremely grateful. Please continue to donate and share as she will continue to be out of work until her had is functioning. This time will be overwhelming for her and a big adjustment so be patient if you have reached out. She is absolutely thankful and astounded at your love and support.

  4. Oppdatering 15/01-21

    19. januar 2021 11:05

    As we prepare to help Eline & Eli adjust and cope with returning to their new normal and navigating life moving forward we want to make sure they are set up for success. Taking away the stress of financial hardship is one huge way we can do that. So many have donated so far and shared and we are humbled by the kindness of those both in the US and in Norway and how they have rallied behind these two beautiful souls.

    Please continue to share. It has only been just over a week since that tragic day but they have many years ahead of them to create a wonderful life and heal from this monstrosity. They are both starting the process of healing now and will continue to do so for a very long time. :heart:️

  5. 12 januar

    13. januar 2021 17:05

    Enda en oppdatering fra Fundraiser, skrevet av Elines venninne!

    Ellie got her second chest tube removed yesterday and is breathing on her own without pain despite a broken rib. She was able to start walking some on her own and sit in a chair to eat dinner. This is a HUGE win and a massive improvement from the day before. YOU ARE SUCH A FIGHTER ELLIE! Her spirits are so good and she is slowly starting to improve. Her pain is mostly under control without meds. You can see the light back in her eyes and her smile just lights up the room, even now. Please continue to pray that she improves and that her spirits will continue to get better. She is overwhelmed with the love you all have shared and is extremely grateful for each and every one of you.

  6. 10 januar

    13. januar 2021 17:04

    Oppdatering fra siden Fundraiser, skrevet av Eline sin venninne. 

    Update 1/10/21 Eline is currently in rough shape but she is in great spirits mostly. She is no longer considered critical condition but she is in a lot of pain and unable to do more than chat for an hour at a time. She is resting and healing. She has stitches and staples and wound dressings everywhere which is why we do not intend to post pictures. She does not want anyone to see her like that. She began physical therapy yesterday.

    She is beyond grateful and wants everyone who has checked on her, called, messaged, texted, and donated that she is extremely grateful for all of you. Due to the nature of the situation discretion is important and we want to make sure she and Eli are 100% safe at all times. We will keep this as updated as we can while maintaining her privacy.

Protecting El & Eli.

20 000 kroner innsamlet

82 givere
Avsluttet 10.02.2021
40% av 50 000 kr
Irmelin Anette Sommeling sitt profilbilde
Irmelin Anette Sommeling
står bak spleisen
Jorunn Kinn mottar pengene

Siste aktivitet

  1. 1 ga anonymt
  2. Linda S
  3. 1 ga anonymt
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