Tusen takk!!
Pengene har strømmet inn fra så mange flotte rause folk! Fortsetter det slik, kan det til og med være at Allen slipper å bruke alle sparepengene sine på linse! Dette er så kjekt og oppmuntrende. Her forteller Allen om sin vei inn i journalistikken og om hva som er viktig for henne framover:
My name is Allen Ssenkaali Namiya , I am 25 years old. I am a female Ugandan and soon graduating in journalism and Mass communication.
I got an opportunity to travel to Norway under an exchange program with Hald Internasjonale skole, and happened to do internship Haugesund. Here I met several people and I met Tove who inspired to take that career path. When I came back to Uganda I chose to pursue my career in journalism with passion. While in school I thought of my experiences from Norway, I looked at my country and I felt it important that I should use journalism as a tool to change someone's story. I want to amplify the voice of the less privileged by using the skills I learned from school .
I feel that if these stories are passionately crafted our elders and policy makers will notice the gap and work upon them. When I speak about them many lives will be impacted .
For story telling, visuals speak more effectively, and as a young person who is graduating in September, I don't have enough money to purchase a camera that can support this work. For this journey a camera is very important. Thank you so much, May God bless you.

Joyce, Allen og Mira utenfor Udland kirke i 2015
Her kan du lese om Allens første møte med Haugesund. Kamp for rettferdighet og likestilling sto høyt på agendaen da også.