Prosjektbilde for DNV's Red Cross support to people in Ukraine

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DNV's Red Cross support to people in Ukraine

Pengene vil gå til å hjelpe de rammede i Ukraina med helsehjelp, vann, varme, mat og beskyttelse. Behovene er store både nå og fremover. Med din støtte kan vi hjelpe flere!

"We are deeply disturbed by the invasion of Ukraine, which is inflicting terrible harm on the citizens of Ukraine and threatening peace across the region." says Remi Eriksen, DNV Group President and CEO.

DNV has been working with The Red Cross since 2004 supporting in many areas around the world. Many of our DNV colleagues are also volunteers to the Red Cross. 

DNV has made a 1 million NOK donation to the Red Cross in addition to its annual contribution of 2,5 million NOK to provide help to people in the Ukraine and those who are fleeing the country. 

Many of our colleagues have asked on how they could make individual donations. This is why we have set up this crowd sourcing page. DNV is planning to match the contributions made by its employees and increase its company donation. 


The Red Cross is one of very few international humanitarian organizations present in Ukraine, with ongoing relief efforts across the country where security situation allows.

The Red Cross mobilizes money, personnel and emergency aid to Ukraine. They are present, continuously assessing the situation and providing humanitarian aid, including water, food and clothing. The support will be in the form of personnel and money.

The Red Cross movement has a major humanitarian operation in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Over 1,000 employees and 3,000 volunteers in Ukraine are now doing what they can to help those in need. In the neighboring countries (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova), the Red Cross helps those who cross the border with food, water, clothing, care and medical assistance.

DNV's Red Cross support to people in Ukraine

850 476 kroner innsamlet

936 givere
Avsluttet 01.05.2022
70% av 1 200 000 kr
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