Hilsen fra Kharkiv - hvordan er pengene brukt?
Takket være generøse bidrag har vi passert 80.000 kr. Her er en liten oppdatering fra dekan på sosiologisk fakultet som viser at pengene har kommet til veldig god nytte. Vi fortsetter kronerullingen!
Dear Aadne and Einar, I would like to share with you some news about the way we spending financial help from you and our international colleagues. First of all, I would like to send my most sincere gratitude to everyone who, during this difficult period, found a financial opportunity to help us. Thank you for making OsloMet one of our main sources of support - not just emotional but also financial. You found an opportunity not only to raise a significant amount of money, but also to find an opportunity to transfer it to us as quickly as possible. This allowed us in the first critical week to cover the food needs of students who remained in the dormitories, to help students and their families who were in areas subject to very intense shelling. Our main activities and costs were concentrated in several areas (at that time, about 800 students remained in 8 dormitories located in different parts of the city): 1. we personally bought food in shops in those parts of the city where the shelling was less intense and where grocery stores operated, and sent by taxi to the dormitories; 2. we made a large purchase at Ukrposhta (yes, it is), which was still able to sell us a large batch of long-term storage products (cereals, butter, cookies, household cleaning products etc) at not inflated prices; 3. we bought medicines for students (especially we needed a lot of antipyretics, as students had to spend the night in shelters, subways, air-raid shelters, where it was cold, they often caught colds); 4. we paid for students to travel outside Kharkiv to other cities and outside Ukraine, since at that time there was no fully organized evacuation; 5. students applied for financial assistance in connection with the need to buy food for themselves, their families, helped four students whose parents/relatives with disabilities needed additional funds for specific medicines etc.; 6. a serious part of the costs was associated with paying for a taxi service (to deliver purchases or to the train station for evacuations, for example); due to shelling and constant explosions, taxi prices increased by an average of 8-10 times. To this date, we have dealt with the main nutritional problems by stockpiling in case of occupation, limited delivery thanks to our purchases and humanitarian aid that comes from other regions and other countries. Today our main assistance is directed to work with those who are without parental support in other cities (for example, our employee is in Ivano-Frankivsk, where 10-12 students are under his care, whose parents are in the occupied territory, I made a transfer to his personal card and, as needed, he buys food, medicines). Also for now there are 53 of my staff of School of Sociology are directly in Kharkiv city under the everyday bombing and shelling. Most often, the inability to leave Kharkiv is connected with sick parents/relatives. We are trying to meet their needs for medicines, taxi delivery of humanitarian aid, financial assistance to those who have large families. Let me once again pull out gratitude for every euro that helped us solve the problems of survival, the ability to evacuate, look in tomorrow’s day with hope.