Prosjektbilde for Hospital Project in Madagascar

Hospital Project in Madagascar

All donations will be sent directly to Elie whom is the Mayor of the commune Inananonantanana where the hospital will be located.

Salama everyone 🇲🇬

My name is Evin, and I am a post Intercultural Understanding baccalaureate student. During my studies my school arranged a trip to Madagascar where each and every one of us students got to choose a topic of interest to do a fieldwork based on the Malagasy life style.

After our trip to Madagascar and handing in our fieldwork, I knew that this wasn't the end for me. I fell in love with their culture and didn't want this trip to be the last one.

Elie (our tour guide) contacted me needing help to build a school in a small commune. I helped him raise money to build 3 schools. But this time we are aiming a bit higher.

This year we are building a hospital, and we really need your help!

Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world where 90% of the population live under less than 2$ a day.

This hospital is so important for us to build and here are 3 short but very serious reasons why:

1. Nearest located health centre is 5h away by foot. - you can't drive due to bad  pavement.

2. Pregnant women are carried to the hospital and 7/10 women are forced to give birth on the road.

3. Malagasy women face maternal mortality with a rate of 335 deaths per 100,000 live births

Help us help for a better, healthier and safe envoirment for our brothers and sisters in Madagascar.

By donating, you are the big change 🙏🏽

Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions you may have.


Check out @projecthelpmadagascar for further updates 🇲🇬🤍

Hospital Project in Madagascar

7 050 kroner innsamlet

10 givere
Avsluttet 02.07.2022
5% av 130 000 kr
Evin Anli-Durmaz sitt profilbilde
Evin Anli-Durmaz mottar pengene

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  1. 3 ga anonymt
  2. Umra
  3. 6 ga anonymt
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