NET er i ferd med å rulle ut en nordisk frivillig AMB tjeneste i Ukraina og trenger DIN støtte ❤️
Vi trenger din hjelp for å hjelpe syke og skadde i Ukraina i en tid hvor landets ambulansetjeneste er hardt presset i en svært utfordrende tid. Flere av oss er veteraner, deriblandt Jan Erik Brodahl - også kjent fra "Farmen" på TV2 (2020) Han har erfaring fra konfliktsoner helt tilbake til 80 tallet og er en av våre drivende ressurser. Vi oppfordrer også våre veteranbrødre - og søstre om å bidra og markere vår innsatsvilje overfor det ukrainske folk! Hjelp oss å dele spleisen videre. Vi har tett dialog med Ukraina's ambassade i Oslo, samt myndigheter og forsvar lokalt i UA
Who are we
We are Nordic Evac Team. A Norwegian nationally registered voluntary organization. The team consists of medics and drivers from Norway with mixed experience from ambulanceservice, military service in war zones, civil crisis and disaster areas.
We have ambulances rigged for different levels depending on the qualifications of the staff. The ambulances are equippedfor patient monitoring with spO2, etCO2, ECG, defibrillator, and NIBP. Missions basicly involving evacuation and light treatment and basic emergency life support. Operations within Ukraine in non occupied areas and evacuation to neighboring countries such as Poland, Moldova and Romania.
Our medics are trained and certified to fit emergency regulations set by the Norwegian authorities by law. Drivers are experienced and holds basic first aid skills and will only operate along with medic on all missions to secure level ofpatient care.
Duration and base
The assignment will have an indefinite duration with planned changes of crew every 10-14 days. The crew will be based in Lviv but operating nationwide