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Prosjektbilde for For the safety and further rights of LGBTQIA+ people in Norway

For the safety and further rights of LGBTQIA+ people in Norway

All money goes to FRI, Norway's biggest LGBTQIA+ organization, and their work on furthering our rights and safety.

Two people were killed after the shooting outside the places "London Pub" and "Per på Hjørnet" in the center of Oslo the night leading up to Saturday June 25th.

It is currently being investigated as a terrorist action and was an attack on the Norwegian LGBTQIA+ community and Pride. Oslo Pride's parade was scheduled the day after, which is Norway's biggest pride parade.

I want to use my platform on the coming days to raise money for FRI, Norway's biggest LGBTQIA+ organization working for and bettering the rights for all queer, gender- and sexuality-diverse people in Norway.

This is the moment to roll up our sleeves and do what we can. Hate will not bring us down. Hate will not silence us. No one is free until everyone is free.

I am not affiliated with FRI, and this is a fundraising I started on my own accord.

Read more about FRI's work over at (the site is in Norwegian):

For the safety and further rights of LGBTQIA+ people in Norway

550 kroner innsamlet

4 givere
Avsluttet 26.07.2022
55% av 1 000 kr
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Nie Ghoul
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