Prosjektbilde for Crowdfunding for Belarusian Students' Association

Crowdfunding for Belarusian Students' Association

All money collected will support the activities of the Belarusian Students' Association.

Hello! My name is Maksim Zafranski. I am a Student at Risk from Belarus. I had to leave Belarus due to persecution in 2020 and since that I have lived in exile. I am also the International Secretary of Belarusian Students' Association.

Belarusian Students' Association - a coalition of student unions of different Belarusian universities, whose aim is to unite the student community of Belarus to fight peacefully for their rights, both students' and civil ones. Our organization and our representatives were repressed by the authoritarian regime in Belarus during the protests in 2020-2021. Most of our activists had to leave Belarus due to repressions. However, we continue our activity even from abroad. We cannot change the political situation in Belarus but we still can save the lives of those affected by the authoritarian regime. That's why I started this campaign. All money collected will go to the activities of Belarusian Students' Association to help Belarusian students in need.

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Bilde av belønningen
The Book in Exile
200 kr
Book in exile describes lives of some Belarusian students who were forced to leave their homeland because they did not agree with the government.
Velg antall

Crowdfunding for Belarusian Students' Association

600 kroner innsamlet

3 givere
Avsluttet 31.12.2022
4% av 15 000 kr
Maksim Zafranski sitt profilbilde
Maksim Zafranski
står bak spleisen

Siste aktivitet

  1. 1 ga anonymt
  2. Oscar D. S. Kvalsvik
  3. RSO
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