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Prosjektbilde for Rosenrot skal i studio

Rosenrot skal i studio

The money collected will go to our music producer and to other expenses connected to recording our songs.

Once upon a time, a group of ladies found each other in the forest of Norway. Around the fire, they decided to join forces and instruments, and start a band.
They became Rosenrot.

Rosenrot have met for a year and made music that is now ready to go into the studio.

The ladies in the band are: Jessica Jam, Kaja Klarinett, Karen Klang, Miracello, Silje Jazz & Bea Beats. We vow to make music with our hearts and souls, and to share the beauty of our co-creation.

We play a wide range of instruments, from guitar to clarinet, cello to all the drums and rhythm tools you can think of. We wish to explore our roots, and to learn from the past to walk into the future in time with nature while staying in the present moment. Our genre is not easy to put a finger on; the name 'fairytale folk roots' comes closer than most others. The lyrics are inspired by prayers from our hearts. We come from many different experiences with music; the one thing we all share is the love that we feel when we come together to play.

The money we collect will go to our music producer Per Christian Berg, transport from all the corners of the Norway (Andebu, Finnskogen, Nesodden, Tåsen), and other expenses connected with the recording.


As the winter draws to a close and the Sun is returning, the ladies of the loft will meet to take an auditive picture in time of how their music sounds at the moment. They are eternally grateful for all of the support received.

Rosenrot; Adaptogen with fast action. Reduces the secretion of stress hormones and has the following properties: blood pressure regulator, blood sugar regulator, cholesterol-lowering, improves oxygen absorption, is generally strengthening, performance-enhancing, cardiac stimulating, cancer-protective, pain-relieving and diuretic effect. Rose root is otherwise a powerful antioxidant and is considered an antidepressant and an aphrodisiac. (translated from – urtekilden)

Rosenrot skal i studio

14 419 kroner innsamlet

51 givere
Avsluttet 01.04.2023
48% av 30 000 kr
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