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Prosjektbilde for Support queer Palestinians - Støtt skeive palestinere

Support queer Palestinians - Støtt skeive palestinere

All surplus will be distributed through MASGD to trans and queer Palestinians in Palestine.

This fundraiser is a collaboration between MASGD and Salam. All surplus will be distributed through MASGD to trans and queer Palestinians in Palestine.

 Ballroom is not just a dance; it’s a powerful tool for liberation, started by Black queer and trans communities to express and embody the radical possibilities of Black liberation. As we engage in this transformative practice, we think about how our queer and trans communities are currently experiencing genocide around the world, including queer Palestinians. We believe in the transformative power of Ballroom as a form of resistance against occupation, apartheid, and genocide. Let’s stand together and use our voices and movements to fight for justice and liberation. 

 Who is MASGD?   MASGD works to support, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ Muslims.* In their work, they challenge root causes of oppression, including misogyny, racism, capitalism, and xenophobia. They celebrate gender and sexual diversity within Muslim communities and promote an understanding of Islam that is centered on inclusion, justice, and equity.  

 Who is Salam?  Salam is a Norway based voluntary organization that works to promote an inclusive and safe environment for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and/or other non-gender-normative people with a Muslim background in Norway. The organization was founded in December 2017 and was the first Norwegian organization for queer Muslims. Our motto is "No one is born haram".  

 All donations are appreciated, big or small.   Solidarity greetings  MASGD & Salam

Support queer Palestinians - Støtt skeive palestinere

750 kroner innsamlet

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