Support education for Gambian children!
Click "Støtt" to donate, choose a sum in NOK, and then choose "credit card" or "vipps", or "faktura" if the donation is from a business.
66,000 children. Throughout the Gambia, 66,000 children do not have the opportunity to go to school.
Who are these children? They are children with disabilities. They are girls. They are orphans. They are children who live in extreme poverty.
They are children like any other. They are the future.
To help ALL these children attain an education, we only need 3,5 million NOK - that is 53 NOK per child we can help.
Will you join the effort to help the children of the Gambia?
The Gambia can do it. They've had enormous progress in the past decade to provide an education for every child. They can do it, but they need all the help we can give them.
Support the fundraiser - together we can give all children in the Gambia a school. You can make a donation, create your own fundraiser, share this fundraiser - everything makes a difference.