Prosjektbilde for Fundraiser for Save the Children (Redd Barna) - Christmas Play 2024 - Year 6 and Year 7

Fundraiser for Save the Children (Redd Barna) - Christmas Play 2024 - Year 6 and Year 7

You contribute to helping children in other countries to have a safe upbringing and the opportunity to change and develop the society in which they live.

We are looking forward to the upcoming Christmas performances!

As always, there will be no admission fee for the school plays. However, this year, we politely request a voluntary donation at each performance for a worthy cause related to the theme of the Christmas Play you are about to enjoy. The students themselves have discussed and chosen the cause they find worthy.

Year 6 and 7 are performing the play Robin Hood. They would like to support the Redd Barna (Save the Children) .

Parents are welcome to make a voluntary donation.

We thank both parents and staff for their generosity!

Fundraiser for Save the Children (Redd Barna) - Christmas Play 2024 - Year 6 and Year 7

3 730 kroner innsamlet

19 givere
4 dager igjen
124% av 3 000 kr
Wilco Pieter Gerrit Van Der Kaaden sitt profilbilde
Wilco Pieter Gerrit Van Der Kaaden
står bak spleisen
REDD BARNA sitt profilbilde
REDD BARNA mottar pengene
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❤️ 1
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  1. 1 ga anonymt
  2. Elena Hammari
    Fantastic initiative! Well earned!
  3. 1 ga anonymt
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