Prosjektbilde for Exit Point Entrepreneurship: Year 8 Craft Fair, 17 January 2025

Exit Point Entrepreneurship: Year 8 Craft Fair, 17 January 2025

The money raised will automatically be transferred to barnekreftforeningen

You are invited to an exciting and creative event - the Year 8 Craft Fair! This vibrant showcase brings together the talents of our students across Art & Design, D&T and Food & Health.

In Art & Design, the students have launched their own creative businesses, inspired by the theme ‘Entrepreneurship.’ They've crafted wonderful artworks and unique items, drawing influence from their favourite artists, designers and media. In D&T, the students have produced the frames to display these works and have gained hands-on experience in batch production. In Food & Health, the students will be perfecting their baking skills and producing cupcakes.

All of these fantastic creations - artworks, craft items and cupcakes - will be on sale at the craft fair with 100% of the proceeds going to support a cause close to their hearts. After a student vote, the chosen charity is The Norwegian Childhood Cancer Society. All donations will be collected via a QR code (please note, we are unable to accept cash).

Join us to support our talented students and contribute to a great cause. We can't wait to see you there and share in this creative and charitable celebration!

Exit Point Entrepreneurship: Year 8 Craft Fair, 17 January 2025

3 326 kroner innsamlet

27 givere
Avsluttet 07.02.2025
166% av 2 000 kr
Year 8 Craft Fair
Wilco Pieter Gerrit Van Der Kaaden står bak spleisen
Barnekreftforeningen sitt profilbilde
Barnekreftforeningen mottar pengene

Siste aktivitet

  1. Heidi Garwood
    Bra jobba! 🤩
  2. Siya
  3. Ms Day
    Good cake!
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