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Prosjektbilde for Bring justice to targeted individuals

Bring justice to targeted individuals

With this action, I raise money for a lawsuit against those who turned my life into hell.

With this action I raise money for a lawsuit against those who turned my life into hell.

What is a Targeted Individual?  A Targeted Individual (TI) is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to unwillingly participate in an experimental government torture program.  This program was developed under the CIA's MK-Ultra project and is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress.  The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire population, through intimidation, fear, and threats.  Political activists, Labor Union leaders, Scientists, and Whistleblowers are some of the main targets of the program.  However, some people are randomly chosen.   Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this psychological torture.

Stalking comes in many different forms, including making unsolicited, repetitive phone calls, sending unwanted letters or other items, and following victims or showing up at their workplaces or homes.  Those who have been targeted by a stalker know all too well the hopelessness, helplessness, and fear that come from experiencing this abusive and invasive behavior.

Often, stalking victims are familiar with the culprit of this crime.  Almost 75 percent of stalking victims know the offender, which can lead to a false sense of security and, in some cases, unspeakable tragedy.  That is why it is so important for those who feel they are experiencing some form of stalking or threatening behavior to immediately report it to local law enforcement or a trusted family member or friend.Stalking behavior is a manipulative tool used to exert control and incite fear, and victims can often feel isolated and vulnerable.

This is how I wake up in the morning after been shut with Distance Electromagnetic Weapons

Bring justice to targeted individuals

200 kroner innsamlet

1 giver
Avsluttet 13.02.2020
0% av 100 000 kr
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